COCA swells to more than 700 members.  85 join during first half of 2012

COCA membership has grown to more than 700 members during the first half of 2012.  We welcomed 85 names to our roster from January 1st through July 31st.

COCA President, Doug Cain, said that one of his goals would be to step up the marketing of our club.  That work has paid off.{image_1}  Ads were placed in well-known periodicals like “Antique Week” directing traffic to our new website.

Members have also been placing fliers that advertise the benefits of COCA membership at auctions and shows.  Prominent coin-op auction galleries like VCA, Morphy, and Showtime continue to promote our club in their catalogs.

The new COCA website, under the direction of Bill Petrochuk, has provided a continuously updated source of coin-op related news, information and web links for coin-op enthusiasts.  The steady stream of classified ads has also greatly enhanced our website traffic.

COCA Times Magazine just keeps getting better and better thanks to the hard work of Paul Hindin along with Randy and Sue Razzoog.  Please continue to send in your articles to them.


We are proud to publish the names of all 85 members and welcome them to the club.  We are glad that you have chosen to join our group and hope it will lead to a greater coin-op collecting experience for you.

Many of you will recognize two of the names on the list.  Rosanna Harris spent many years as an Editor and writer for several coin-op publications.  She is now the editor of “Mechanical Music”, the official publication of the Music Box Society International. 

Larry Lubliner was also an early contributor in the editorial field for our hobby.  He remains very active in the field of early gambling memorabilia and antique playing cards.

Here is the list. 

If you see a name that you know, please take a moment to welcome them to our club.  They will be glad that you did.

William Apostolos ,  Danny Applegate, Bill Auerbach ,  Jerry Bainter, Charles Banta, Kay Barret, Jacob Berrick, Brian Bronzino, 

Rick Cantor, Frank Chadwick, John Chamberlain , Brad Charles, Bryce Dawson, Chris Fabiano, James Faulkerson, Peter Gault,

George Gibson, Sheila Gibson, Steven Gleasman, Drew Haagenson, Robert Hall, Paula Hansen, Rosanna Harris, Kerry Hatcher,


Ron Hofer, Lynn Hooker, David Jackson,  Michael Jackson, Barry James, Bob Johnson, Timothy Joyce, David Kelly, Carl Kenney,

Robert Kindness, Kenneth Lamoureux, Lew Latshaw, John C Lee, Kyle Lee, Jeff Lengel, Larry Lubliner, Michael Lund, Mark Madson,

Paul Marinelli, George Marinos, Mel Mattison, Kevin McCarter, Joseph Miskell,


Bruce Mitchell, Samuel Nance, Warren Nash, Maurice Nicholson, Ed O'Neill, Rex Orcutt, Anthony Parenteau, Richard Patterson,

Vince Piano, Albert Quick, Mahlon Reep, Konstantinos Rentoulis, Dominic Rios, Charles Rogers, Timothy Romano, Rene Rondeau,

Charles Rosenberg, Bradley Sagendorf, Eugene Schiavone, Pete Shank, Tom Simek, David Simon, Ed Smith, John Snyder,


Bob Sossa, Bob St. Jean, W. M. Stalcup, Wayne Threadgill, Michael Traficanti, Vernon Gantt, Jr, David Voralik, Emily Wallens,

David Webster, Richard Weiss, Tod Weiss, Kathy Whitman, Brad Witherell, Jon Wyly.